inocycle is a company that cares about the environment and is inseparable from its social responsibility to the environment and society
Corporate Social Responsibility
As one of the largest producers of Eco-friendly fiber in Indonesia which is engaged in recycling, inocycle is a company that cares about the environment and is inseparable from its social responsibility to the environment and society or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Inocycle implements a CSR program which is part of voluntary business practices based on the Company's own initiatives. In implementing the CSR program, the Company is not to pursue profits in doing business, but to continue to provide the best contribution to society and the environment in which the company stands and operates. The hope of Inocycle is that it can create a harmonious relationship between Inocycle and the environment and society and can provide mutually beneficial benefits.
Care For The Cianjur Earthquake
Through the K-Peduli program with KOTRA Jakarta, GNI distributed 50,000 children's masks donated by Multi One Plus and a number of pillows, blankets, disinfectants, hand sanitizers, masks and pencil cases from the Inocycle Group. This assistance has been distributed to children and residents affected by the earthquake in Ciherang Village in Kec. Pacet, Galudra Village, Gasol, Nyalindung, Cibeureum in Kec. Cugenang, and Mekarsari Village in Kec. Cianjur. Thank you to the donors who have supported GNI's emergency response operations in Cianjur. Kec. Cianjur. Terima kasih untuk para donatur yang telah mendukung operasi tanggap darurat GNI di Cianjur.
Care for Pasar Kemis Floods
Disaster care program for flood victims in Sindang Jaya Ps. Thursday on January 14, 2020. Disaster care assistance in the form of sleeping equipment (pillows, bolsters and blankets) and symbolically handed over to members of the TNI at Mako Koramil Ps. Thursday.
Humanitarian Social Assistance
Care programs in the form of humanitarian social assistance that are distributed through the Child Welfare Institution (LKSA), the Assodiqiyah Orphanage Social Foundation, Kel. Sukatani Kec. Rajeg. Assistance was provided in the form of personal protective equipment (masks), sleeping equipment, food and cash. Hopefully what has been distributed to these orphans can give them a glimmer of hope and with this program it can be useful for them in the future.